Mobile App Testing Services and Challenges

In the world of digitization and digitalization, mobile app testing is no longer optional. With mobile usage accounting for more than half of the online traffic, lots of users see the phone as the end-all, be-all of web connectivity. There is no question that your development cycle requires to include mobile app test automation services. Mobile App Testing Services always allow your company to build a mobile application that is scalable as well as accessible. Testing your application software regularly is a great idea for usability, functionality. And this shows that your product is ready to sell in the market. In this blog, you will read about mobile app testing services and challenges.

What Are the Common Challenges in Mobile Application Testing?

Like another testing process, there are bound to issue your development and QA teams to address. But these kinds of common challenges in mobile testing also have solutions designed to keep your software application on course for on-time market development. First of all, you need to understand these mobile app testing challenges so that your mobile app security testing services can resolve these problems quickly.

Screen Sizes Variations

Problem: A continuous release of new devices across mobile providers poses lots of mobile app testing challenges for QA teams. For instance, one device may reduce your application UI flawlessly while another scrambles up the experience. And your mobile app is no longer responsive if it doesn’t offer reliable UX from device to device.

Solution: Your testers must plan on testing the mobile app through all varying sizes of the screen. That way, your QA team can confirm that the usage and design elements function as probable for all users on any device. We mention having all device types on standby so that your QA team can test the USER experience in real-time and in real life. A strong mobile app testing company performs mobile testing across all mobile devices. Your team can also apply numerous simulators to compete with the experience of all screen sizes however, this approach doesn’t always test in real-time so, results aren’t perfect.

Operating System Variety

Problem: In today`s market, lots of mobile devices are available, showcasing versions of distinct versions of the operating system. For this take an example of android and iOS, both offer a variety of operating system versions depending on when the user upgrades. This poses numerous mobile app testing challenges, as it can be complex for testers to validate application software.

Solution: You need to create a mobile testing lab if your company can make the investment that allows your team to test across all operating systems. It is essential for validating the security of your product since cybercriminals can use any operating system version in order to attempt fraud. Your team must have an option of trusting on simulators to emulate all OS, though this approach doesn`t always test in real-time, so the results are not fully accurate.

Wrapping up

As you see, the mobile app development process is full of challenges. This blog covers some major challenges with their solution. If you want to know more about Mobile App Testing Services, this blog is for you. Happy searching!

Published by

Silvia Watson

I work as a software tester with BetterQA, Romania, and specializes in test automation strategies and techniques. I have a great passion for building world-class software and products as I love technology. I’m trying to provide valuable practices to developers and testers at organizations large and small. I am also keen on mobile app development, Android Development, Game development, etc. If you have questions or comments – feel free to contact me: +40 751 289 399

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